Raise money for your school or youth sports club this year by ordering FREE Icy Stix and participating in Sugar FREE-zies Day in November 2022.
We are still working on the logistics for Sugar Free-zies Day scheduled to take place in November 2022.
Register your interest so we can get in touch with event details as soon as we go live.
Join over 1000 schools and youth sports clubs by hosting your own Sugar FREE-Zies Icy Stix Day in November 2022 to celebrate Sugar FREE-Zies day and the start of summer.
It’s as easy as 1,2,3. Join us to make a difference and add that extra dose of healthier fun by getting involved today.
Treat the kids to some healthier fun this summer and be part of the drive to raise over $1,000,000 million for Australian Schools and Youth Sports clubs in November 2022.
Prioritising the health, social, educational and recreational needs of Australian children is top of our agenda at The No Nasties Project. Sugar FREE-zies Icy Stix Day is a day where everyone is a champion and where fun, laughs and spectacular times are the order of the day.
Sugar FREE-zies are the perfect choice for summer and kids love them! They contain ZERO sugar, ZERO preservatives and NOTHING artificial and they are Australian Made.
Should you require any more information drop us an email at schoolsandclubs@thenonastiesproject.com.au and we will get our fundraising team to get in touch directly.